cliMate Animated Weather Widget shows beautiful, fully animated weather conditions directly on your home screen. 3 years in development, it is powered by World Weather Online, and unique on Google Play!PLEASE READ/IMPORTANT:
cliMate Animated Weather Widget, like all widgets, cannot run off the SD card. If your device has automatically installed it to your SD Card please move it back to your devices Internal Memory.
Features unique weather animations:
Shining sun Drifting clouds Flying birds Jet Plane contrails Waving trees Spinning windmill Falling raindrops Sheets of rain Rainbows Condensation Mist Falling sleet Falling snow Lightning strikes Thunderclouds Ice cracks Wind-blown leaves Plane dragging customizable banner
Time & Date features:
Weather conditions follow time of day, Sunrise, Day, Sunset, Night Clock follows location time-zone, choice of 12 hour digital, 24 hour digital or analogue Night conditions show moon phases synchronized to date and hemisphere Special animations at Christmastime, Halloween, etc
Different Themes:
Countryside Sky Black Glass Stonehenge Chinese Art Transparent
More themes in development.. Email your suggestions!
Other features:
Widgets are now fully resizable, drag the edges to any size required. Clock can now be resized and positioned. On Jellybean and above, 5 day Forecast is shown below current conditions when widget is large enough. Add multiple widgets for different locations, smart search for name Shows temperature in Celsius or Fahrenheit Tap widget for main screen showing: 5 day fully animated forecast Animated wind-speed and direction Humidity Sunrise and sunset animation, or moonrise and moonset during night conditions Swipe to see your different locations
Very customizable: airplanes, birds, contrails, current date, borders or all text can all be toggled on or off
Works on all major home screen launchers:
Stock Android Samsung Touchwiz HTC Sense Go Launcher Nova Launcher Zero Launcher Cheetah Launcheretc.
How to use:
1. Go to your home screen 2. Long press and choose Add Widgets 3. Select cliMate Weather Widget 4x2 and tap or drag to your home screen 4. Choose your current location, or search for city, e.g. "Paris", "Paris, FR", "Paris, France" 5. Widget with animated weather and time for your chosen location appears on your home screen 6. Tap temperature to toggle between Celsius to Fahrenheit 7. Tap refresh icon above city name to trigger weather refresh 7. Tap center of widget to see more detail, a 5 day animated forecast, and access the Settings
All weather data provided by World Weather Online and